Speaker 1:
Hey friends and thanks so much for listening to this week's episode of the Tiki Room. I'm Sarah and I'm Elizabeth, and we have more special guests today.
Speaker 2:
These are, like subpar, special guests.
Speaker 1:
Oh, just kidding what I mean. We've talked about this group of kids a lot and we've A lot, we've kind of I don't know what, the things that they like now that are not Disney. We've kind of dogged them a little bit. Yeah, for obvious reasons.
Speaker 2:
We will talk about those later on, all right.
Speaker 1:
But today we have that's right. Let's introduce ourselves.
Speaker 3:
I'm Wes Lynn. I'm Sam Draper. I'm Josh.
Speaker 1:
Let's see A-Team right here.
Speaker 2:
This is the A-Team right here. All three of these kids are in middle school and Josh and Sam are drapers, so they are Ashley's and Wes Lynn is Sarah's oldest child. So we have also We've also done Disney a lot with these kids, but, as Sarah said, they have grown and now their opinions are different and honestly not valid in a lot of things, yeah, but we don't even know if we're going to, if we're going to even put this out on air, depending on what you say honestly.
Speaker 1:
Well, that's your opinion. I'm just kidding. They have a great sense of humor.
Speaker 2:
So we are excited about today's episode. Yeah, all right.
Speaker 1:
So, elizabeth, what do you think we should start with?
Speaker 2:
Oh, 100%. We need to start with everyone's top five Disney movies.
Speaker 1:
Oh, okay, and here's, here's the big question with this Are we including, like Star Wars and Marvel, no classic Disney? Okay, all right, that's helpful.
Speaker 4:
Does Pixar count? Yeah, that's a classic Disney movie.
Speaker 1:
I already have my number one, all right? Well, we're going to start with number five. Yeah, so think of your number five. Disney movie. Josh has to write things down. These are. These are serious. I know they're serious. They're like prepared.
Speaker 2:
I mean I was with.
Speaker 1:
Sam or Elizabeth, do you have a top five? Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:
I have a top five.
Speaker 1:
Let's hear it.
Speaker 2:
Okay, so I would say, number five is probably Pocahontas.
Speaker 4:
No, no, no, that's not deserved to be on a top 10. In my opinion, it's not top 10. It's not top 10. It's not top 10. It's not top 10. It's not top five. I think it doesn't even deserve to be on a top 10. Pocahontas is funny.
Speaker 1:
Pocahontas, I would have to say, man, this is hard, this is really hard. Maybe Toy Story? Maybe Toy Story Number five, toy Story for me, five, yeah, that's top 10. I mean, we're off the cuff here. You know, she didn't write it down, I didn't write it down. Okay, who has a number five ready to go?
Speaker 5:
I do, I forgot it, I forgot it.
Speaker 4:
Westlin, ladies first. Okay, my number five is Frozen. Oh, that's a good one, that was good, I like it, but it's just not like number one you know, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:
All right, sam, I forgot what I was going to put for number five.
Speaker 3:
My number five is probably Cars, probably Cars.
Speaker 1:
Cars. Oh, all right, that's a good one. That's a good one too. That's Scott's favorite Disney movie. Yeah, his favorite movie is Pitch Perfect. His favorite Disney movie is Cars. Yeah, it's really clear. It's really clear, it's really dispezzable. Thank you, mr Branick says you a lot.
Speaker 5:
All right, come back to me. I got to think about this.
Speaker 1:
Josh to think about it.
Speaker 2:
You've had all baseball season to think about this, all right.
Speaker 1:
All right, we're going to you think about it and we're going to go number four and you're going to have to say four and five. Okay, all right, this is Branick. Number four Lion King, lion King, nice, oh my God. All right, I think my number four is Beauty and the Beast. That's good, beauty and the Beast. Westlin, what's your number four? My?
Speaker 4:
number four is Toy Story 2.
Speaker 1:
Toy Story 2. Okay.
Speaker 4:
I think it's just better than all the rest. In my opinion, she likes Jessie.
Speaker 1:
You think Toy Story 2 is better than Toy Story 1?
Speaker 4:
Yes 100%.
Speaker 2:
Wow, I think we talked to your parents about that, I know.
Speaker 1:
Really, not, really. I mean, we're really rebelling now. We're really starting the rebellious stage.
Speaker 4:
Toy Story 1 is good, but I just like the Toy Story 2 plot more and I feel like I've had to watch Toy Story 1 a lot more, I feel like, and Toy Story 2 is just more fun for me to watch.
Speaker 1:
Okay, that's fine, that's fair. All right, that's cute.
Speaker 3:
Sam Draper Number four Big Hero 6. Big Hero 6.
Speaker 2:
You know, I've never seen that, sam, you've never seen that. Never seen that You've never seen it. Never seen it.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 2:
And it's a top five for you. Wow, I really need to work on that. You need to watch it.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, who's? What's the like, the plot of Big Hero 6?
Speaker 3:
Basically, my gosh, I haven't watched it in a while. Basically, it's a superhero movie.
Speaker 1:
Oh, it's like a superhero movie. Yeah, it's a superhero movie, okay.
Speaker 3:
And this kid's or this guy's his brother Brother, yes, his brother dies and Disney, obviously His brother was like an engineer and like a creator and they left him with like Baymax, okay, and so him and like a group of friends have to like stop a bad guy with Baymax.
Speaker 1:
That was horribly explained no, no, yeah. What does he do? What's the thing he does? He fist bumps.
Speaker 4:
And then he goes, instead of he goes falala, Don't let.
Speaker 2:
Reed watch that. That will then become his thing.
Speaker 1:
Oh, yes, but he's going to watch it next time he's here. Josh, are you ready? Yes, all right, go five, then four. Okay, you have to get close to the mic.
Speaker 5:
I have a tie for five.
Speaker 1:
What? What is happening? No, what is happening. We couldn't find a five. Now we got a time for five, okay.
Speaker 5:
I just I like them both because of how adult they are, and the new. The new haunted mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean the the first part of the game.
Speaker 2:
I will give you pirates, pirates. I'll give you the whole Pirate series.
Speaker 5:
Not the whole, just the first one.
Speaker 2:
I feel like I was just talking to Tony Draper right there.
Speaker 5:
I know Johnny Depp was nominated for an Oscar for that.
Speaker 1:
This is. We're gonna get a lot of Disney information this episode. I'll tell you that this new information is gonna be here, all right. So, josh, that was your time for five. What is number four?
Speaker 5:
Speaker 1:
Oh Lord, that that's a good one. Only four, wow, they haven't really listened to this podcast. I guess. Enough, it's fine. Yeah, all right. Number three, number three.
Speaker 2:
Mary Poppins.
Speaker 1:
Mary Poppins nice, yes, my number three is Hercules. That's my number three. Yep, that's number three. All right, last one.
Speaker 4:
Okay, no one is gonna agree with me, but I love the zombies movies. The entire zombies series is my number three Disney movie.
Speaker 1:
She's going Disney Channel.
Speaker 4:
They're so good. I'm sorry. Have you all listened to the music? It's the best, it's candy.
Speaker 1:
No zombies, wow, high school musical yeah that.
Speaker 3:
As soon as she said zombies, I thought of high school.
Speaker 1:
I love high school musical.
Speaker 2:
I heard of that way, sam, because I feel like your face when she said zombies was not very pleasant.
Speaker 1:
Sam, number three. Lion King, josh, number three.
Speaker 5:
Lion King was my number three as well.
Speaker 1:
Wow, the Draper boys coming together. You guys agree on something we really need to cherish this moment right now.
Speaker 5:
You Special place in my heart because it was the first play I did. Who were you? I was a hyena.
Speaker 2:
Were you one of the original three or were you on some behind?
Speaker 5:
I wasn't. I had lines, but I was added to the play. She wanted everyone to have lines.
Speaker 2:
I love that. I love that journey for you, josh.
Speaker 1:
I love, that All right number two.
Speaker 2:
Right here, hercules.
Speaker 1:
Wow, hercules, nice, I respect that too. Yeah yeah, all right, um, my number two is in Kanto.
Speaker 4:
Oh, shoot, okay, I got to take number two.
Speaker 1:
I just I love in Kanto so much, I think it's so good, I cried. That was the first Disney movie in a long time that I've cried at. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but but that I haven't cried in a while. That one I cried.
Speaker 5:
When Manuel Miranda was nominated for an Oscar for that movie too.
Speaker 1:
We're not gonna have a lot of Disney movie knowledge that Josh doesn't know. Just say you just.
Speaker 2:
Knowledge accepted.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
All right time.
Speaker 1:
Are we done ever wait it's Westland's charge.
Speaker 4:
No, you all just did two.
Speaker 1:
We did two. Right, yeah, I did, I did. Okay, number two Westland.
Speaker 4:
So I was kind of bouncing around, but my number two is Coco.
Speaker 1:
Coco Wow.
Speaker 2:
It's such a good movie, it's cute, it's number one. Yes, coco, okay okay.
Speaker 1:
You're going to be happy with the new Disney ship that they're coming out with Really, because there's like a Coco theme restaurant.
Speaker 4:
Oh, I don't even just wait it.
Speaker 1:
Wait, I know Disney information that Josh doesn't know. I need to pause for a second, Josh. They're making a new Disney ship called the Disney treasure.
Speaker 5:
Oh, I didn't know that man, I thought it already came out.
Speaker 1:
It's old news to him. It's new news to me, old news to him Stop being us two top five movies. I know All right, sam number two.
Speaker 3:
My number two is Toy Story.
Speaker 1:
Toy Story Nice, very nice, all right, josh number two.
Speaker 5:
I think Sam might be looking at my list, because Toy Story is my number two as well.
Speaker 1:
Wow, oh my God, I think it's Great Minds Think-A-Like. Oh, they're coming together.
Speaker 2:
I know Great Minds Think-A-Like, I'm just going to be honest with you, Josh. He said it first.
Speaker 1:
That's true, he did say it first.
Speaker 2:
He had it written in his brain.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, all right, your number one. Are we ready for this? I know what this is for you. What do you think it is? The Little Mermaid?
Speaker 2:
No, actually it's the Emperor's new group. Oh my God, that's a good movie.
Speaker 1:
I totally forgot about that with you, yeah.
Speaker 2:
I think that movie has some of the best lines in it ever.
Speaker 1:
Oh my gosh.
Speaker 5:
Wrong lever Cronk. Wrong lever Cronk, okay.
Speaker 1:
My number one favorite Disney movie of all time. I don't know, I haven't really thought, I haven't thought this through. I think I'm going to have to come back. It's really hard to pick a number one. This is hard, honestly. Honestly, if we're being honest here, it might be the Santa Claus. What?
Speaker 2:
That's a good one. That's a good one, Not number top five worthy.
Speaker 1:
but like it's Christmas. So here we are. I just, I really do. I love the Santa Claus very much. I do Tim Allen. This looks weird. Yeah, I'm going to be the best, one Number one favorite movie Disney all time.
Speaker 4:
Okay, I have a tie.
Speaker 1:
I thought this would happen. Okay, what's your tie?
Speaker 4:
Okay, it's Incredibles and Moana.
Speaker 1:
Those are two really good ones. Those are really good. Those are really good. All right, sam.
Speaker 3:
This is probably the most underrated Disney movie of all time, oh my God. But Onward is my number one Disney movie.
Speaker 1:
Onward. Actually, that's pretty good.
Speaker 2:
Is that the one where the dad dies? Yes, and I'm going to like bring him back.
Speaker 1:
That is a really good one. That is deep, sam. I know I've ridden that movie a lot. Sam's really grown up. Okay, there's depth to him now. That's a very mature answer.
Speaker 5:
Yes, yes, all right, josh, number one I think this might be the most underrated Disney movie. It's Newsy's. I bet no one's ever heard of that before. Is this a?
Speaker 1:
Disney movie Newsy's.
Speaker 4:
It is a film play. It's not a film play.
Speaker 1:
Also Shameless Plug. Josh is starring in Newsy's Tomorrow on stage. He is in the play.
Speaker 5:
I'm one of the main characters.
Speaker 1:
You're a star. He is one of the main characters. It is Newsy's starring Josh Draper, to be clear. All right, is this a Disney movie? Is it a Disney movie? I don't know. Mrs Branick is fact-checking you. He's asking Siri right now.
Speaker 5:
No connection.
Speaker 1:
All right, we'll still let it be. We're going to let it be All right, you're not wrong.
Speaker 2:
You're not wrong. I'm not saying you're right, I'm just saying you're not wrong, josh.
Speaker 1:
All right, all right, here's what we've really been putting off for, I don't know, forever. This is our final discussion with you guys and it is what are the pros and cons of Universal compared to Disney World? Okay, so we all know, we all know they are. We know that Disney World is superior. Okay, we all know that. But we also know there are some really good things about Universal Studios, like what? The parking, velocity posters, velocity posters that could be better, maybe parts, all the upside-down eyes, maybe. But we want to hear, each of your, what's good about Disney, what's not good compared to Universal? What's good at Universal? What's not good compared to Disney? Okay, all right, josh wants to go first. You're going to have to come in. We need you. Loud and clear on this Okay.
Speaker 5:
So I think that Disney has better food. I love the hotel breakfast options. I love waffles, so it's like you get to wake up and have a waffle. But I think and Disney has a better like family experience. So if you're going with like a large family, then that's probably the best place to go. But Universal is like better for like two or three people, just like yeah, that wants to go somewhere, and like you don't have to drag around little kids because there's not a like a really enough rides for them to do, so it's more fun when there's like more like older people there.
Speaker 1:
Older kids, older people who want to do the thrill stuff Like the crazy thrill stuff Like put your life in danger thrill stuff.
Speaker 2:
Like go on an upside down roller coaster with no over the top bar. Well, that's because you're lost.
Speaker 5:
It is sort of over the top. Like you pull it over, I don't know it goes over your lap Over your lap.
Speaker 1:
That is fake news. Yeah, it's not over your shoulders, true? Yeah, I don't know how they get away.
Speaker 2:
I'm looking at a picture right now, Josh Fake news. It's a lap bar.
Speaker 1:
All right, Josh, you have anything else to add. What's your favorite Universal ride? I'll say it.
Speaker 5:
I mean, I'll just just Hagrid's Air Velocicist.
Speaker 1:
Okay, yeah, those I'll allow it All right.
Speaker 2:
Hagrid's, is that that motorcycle ride? Yes, okay, I'll give that to you.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that's the best.
Speaker 2:
I will not give you Vlasicoster or any of the other Harry Potter rides, because they're terrified.
Speaker 1:
Have you guys ever seen the picture of Mrs Branick on the Vlasicoster? No, I've never. I've never, I've never seen it, I've never seen it.
Speaker 3:
I've never seen it, I want to see that though.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, sam, yes, tell us your. What's your story with Universal and Disney? So?
Speaker 3:
growing up as a kid, Disney was like. It was like a dream. You're still a kid. It's like I love Disney. You're a little kid, Okay, and Disney has been a very big part of my life because, you know, Are you about to?
Speaker 2:
are you about to break up with me, Sam? I feel like you're about to let me down. Are you about to let me down?
Speaker 3:
I'm not. I'm going to let you down.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
So you know, we used to go like all the time and even like some weekends. I would wake up and mom was like we're going to Disney and so it was just really fun, a big part of my childhood and then oh gosh.
Speaker 1:
Sam this is not going to be good. It's okay, sam, we're ready. We're ready, are we Are?
Speaker 3:
we ready? Okay, universal, universal. I got more into universal, I guess.
Speaker 5:
Just say it's better you know.
Speaker 1:
You know what are the parts of universal.
Speaker 3:
You like more so basically, I like, I like the Fast, fast system better.
Speaker 2:
Yes, hold on one second.
Speaker 1:
He has a point.
Speaker 3:
Well, I would have definitely said Disney when there wasn't Lightning Lane, like in 2019, I would have been like Disney, right, but then Lightning Lane happened, and then like Genie Plus it ruined it, it ruined it for him, but I like the idea of staying at the Universal Resort hotels.
Speaker 5:
There's like two hotels there too.
Speaker 3:
And you can have a Fast Pass, yeah.
Speaker 1:
Listen, he's not wrong, he's not wrong.
Speaker 2:
But I do appreciate that the only thing that's better in your mind is the logistics.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 5:
There's only two rides you cannot ride with the Fast Pass. I think it's Hagrid's and Velocicoster which are the two best rides. You know, that's not true.
Speaker 2:
That is fake news.
Speaker 5:
You can ride Velocicoster with it, so is it just.
Speaker 3:
Hagrid's. Now, it's just Hagrid's.
Speaker 2:
I know that because I went on it in June. Thank you very much, yeah.
Speaker 1:
We knew something Josh didn't know. This is incredible.
Speaker 2:
Hey-ya, bruh. Bruh, doing too much, I know, sam, I appreciate that yours is logistics-based and I also appreciate the heart behind it, in that Disney is part of your heart, as opposed to Josh who just ripped it out and basically was like Wow, josh. He didn't Universal's better because of the thrill rides, because no one likes Tarft here.
Speaker 5:
I will say, if I had the choice Actually, never mind Say it, spit it out If I woke up one morning and my mom gave me the choice of Universal or Disney and the entire family was going, I would choose Disney.
Speaker 2:
With the whole family.
Speaker 5:
I feel like the little, the little kids, will just complain the entire time that there's nothing for them to do and Like they're, they're saying that I'm right.
Speaker 2:
If you went with me, I would also complain, yeah she's.
Speaker 1:
She's probably not a delight at Universal.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I definitely went in kicking and screaming.
Speaker 1:
But if your mom and dad woke you up and said, hey, we're gonna take just you today. Where do you want to go?
Speaker 5:
What would you know, doubt Universal.
Speaker 2:
Adventure or Universal.
Speaker 5:
Islands of Islands of Adventure, that that has a Velosa coaster, hagrid's Well. So Spider-Man, hulk, all the, all the thrill weds, all of them.
Speaker 1:
And no food, no food no, no food so he'll just be starving his way through Universal Studios, I know, you'll have to go to Disney, you'll have to go to Epcot, get something to go and then bring it into Universal.
Speaker 5:
Yeah, well, they do it.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I don't know. They probably should because the Universal food is so bad.
Speaker 2:
Now let's hear Westlin's opinion.
Speaker 1:
All right, what's one easy on me.
Speaker 4:
Speaker 1:
It's okay. I understand that we are different people.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
I just, you know, have Mothered you for years. But it's fine, no, I know, I know Universal means a lot. Tell us your honest opinion. We want the honest opinion.
Speaker 4:
I definitely. Just I Think both are equal because of different reasons. Disney is really fun because Sydney and Chambers one will do it will be fine with doing a lot of the things. But we brought them to Universal immediately. As soon as we walked in the park and you saw RipRide rocket, they would want to turn back around and they would cry in the morning the whole day. That's why I like Disney. I Agree, the fast-pass situation is a little bit better at Universal because it's just I think it's just smarter and you're not having to spend Tons of extra money. I mean, you do have to stay in a hotel, but if you have a big party buying $24 ticket like little fast-pass tickets for everybody, yeah that's true outweighs the amount of just buying one hotel room for the night. Yeah, I think I Really like thrill rides because the Universal is where I kind of tried my first like real roller coaster, so that was really fun. I like the most. Like the rides a lot at Universal, a lot more, but at minus like the newer Disney rides. But I like the theming and just general Vibe of Disney a lot more. I knew it. Does you mean like you don't like the new?
Speaker 5:
Disney rides or no, I do like guardians and.
Speaker 4:
Tron like those are really really good.
Speaker 2:
I have a question for you Do you like the length of the rides at Universal? Or I said what's yeah?
Speaker 4:
guys. I do appreciate that they're a lot longer because, like we went on tron it was like a minute and that was it Tron, but then Hagrid's was like three minutes. Right, yeah, I think I like that it's a lot longer. But if it's like Tron or Hagrid's, I probably choose Hagrid's. But if it was like RipRide, purok it or Tron, I'd probably choose Tron. Just cuz I like the theme, I get better.
Speaker 1:
Mmm. Okay, you boys have something to say about that.
Speaker 3:
Um, I Will. I like the.
Speaker 5:
I do agree with that. I Like the length of the rides at Universal better because Tron was over and like it felt like five seconds because of how fast it is.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
I Tron is like the the two-day, three-night Disney cruise.
Speaker 2:
Yes, yes, you are so right. I will give you, I will give all of y'all that Fast passes and the length. That's all I'll give you.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 3:
I Do agree with Josh and less than I came off of, I honestly I came off of trying, disappointed, honestly it's not really that I know it's the guardians is spectacular.
Speaker 2:
Wait, what's your favorite song when you go on Guardians September? You've only had it once you've everybody wants to roll the world.
Speaker 1:
Yes, you've only had September. When you go on the ride.
Speaker 5:
Sam hasn't had September, but I've what?
Speaker 1:
what's your favorite, josh?
Speaker 5:
I've only been on it once and we had Everybody or we had Iran.
Speaker 1:
Iran, that's a good one. I ran, you know. I think that Once you're on the ride I love all the songs. Like just listening to them in the car I'm not as thrilled about all of them, but once you are on the ride, they. They did a good song selection with picking all those out. Yes.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, music adds. The music adds to the experience.
Speaker 1:
Yes, 100%.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
All right. Well, you guys, this has been amazing. What are your last words? Oh wait, what is what, elizabeth? What do you want to say?
Speaker 2:
I was gonna say that it's amazing in the sense that they're here. It is not amazing in the sense that they would all pick islands of adventure over Disney.
Speaker 4:
Which part I didn't say that. I did not say that.
Speaker 5:
They said that which was part which park at Disney, doesn't matter, josh, yeah, I'm still picking out Adventure would you choose animal kingdom over islands of adventure?
Speaker 3:
Because I don't know if you agree with me, but I think animal kingdom is the worst park at Disney.
Speaker 1:
Oh my gosh, laura, and look at the way. That's her favorite.
Speaker 3:
I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:
I think you need to go for an, and she can show you the way of animal kingdom.
Speaker 5:
Maybe it's because I've never been on Everest before probably that's like her favorite ride stuff that they said there they might do with animal kingdom makes it right, he's up on the latest.
Speaker 1:
I'm shocked. What are they doing?
Speaker 5:
Like I think it was D23 the Last year, mm-hmm, maybe this year they said that they were gonna. Possibly they're replaced, like the dino land, with, like Moana and Indiana Jones.
Speaker 2:
Oh yeah, but it's, I think it's. Is it Zootopia, sarah's every?
Speaker 5:
Yeah, zootopia to like that sounds. That sounds fun, that is true.
Speaker 2:
They are doing that, but I don't know when that is supposed to be finished.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, all right. Final words, final thoughts, disney. Let's go back to Disney now. Okay, we had this fully back to Disney, so we can understand it. Good, no, what are your final thoughts, disney? What it means to you who wants to go first? Okay, you know.
Speaker 2:
To say well, I just love that all three of y'all have happy memories there. And I hope that as you get older, you will continue to have happy memories there. But you will, josh, yes, and I also hope that one day, when you're adults, you can come back and then you can reminisce on your childhood that way.
Speaker 1:
Yes, that's why we're doing all this.
Speaker 2:
We're really doing it for you.
Speaker 1:
We're doing it for you. And you all right anyone with your last words about Disney.
Speaker 4:
Go ahead truly is the most magical place on earth.
Speaker 1:
Oh, that's my girl you boys.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, um, I guess I'm excited for future memories at Disney.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:
Sam, you're so sweet. It's not that I'm never gonna go again and I'm just gonna go to Universal, but I'm definitely gonna go to Disney again.
Speaker 1:
Oh with us, right, you guys, josh can go to Universal. Yeah, josh kicked out Josh. Any last words about Disney?
Speaker 5:
um, I Mean Disney does hold a special place in my heart because I went there a lot as a kid, like Sam says, and, and now I just get to make more memories as we go on.
Speaker 1:
I love it. I love it All right. Well, you kids, you kids are very special to us. We, you guys, mean a lot to us. We love talking about Disney with you guys and so, yeah, this is. This has been amazing.
Speaker 2:
This is been awesome putting together your favorite soundtracks, and five through one. Boys and girls. I want to hear it, because if you didn't think that Pocahontas had a great soundtrack, I don't know.
Speaker 1:
Man, that one is good. Interesting to think about top five soundtracks versus top five movies, like it could just be. I'm not gonna lie to you, it kind of intertwines with me, right.
Speaker 5:
New Zees has gotta be top five though.
Speaker 1:
New Zees. We're back to New Zees.
Speaker 2:
We're back to the soundtracks. I'm thinking Disney classic cartoons over here, and you're coming in with the real stuff.
Speaker 5:
Have you seen New Zees, miss Brannick?
Speaker 1:
No, her favorite is the emperor's new groove you think she's seen?
Speaker 5:
Listen, listen to the New Zees soundtrack Christian.
Speaker 4:
No, yeah, it's great Lesson the best thing about zombies is the soundtrack.
Speaker 1:
Lord, so good we are, was on this again.
Speaker 4:
Listen to what. You have to watch it first, or else it makes no sense, but you have to listen to it, so the music is very catchy.
Speaker 1:
So good to be honest, it is very catchy.
Speaker 5:
It's so obvious that they're lip-syncing though.
Speaker 1:
Okay, they're singing, but I know Josh, josh, coming in with the real stuff. Okay, all right.
Speaker 2:
Sam, don't watch too much. Don't watch too many zombie movies tonight, okay.
Speaker 1:
Oh, that's so good. All right, everybody say your goodbyes. Bye, all right, thanks for listening, bye.