Caregiving can be hard for anyone, but being an only child may add additional challenges. As an only child, you may not have siblings to share the responsibilities of caregiving with, which can lead to feelings of isolation and burnout. Additionally, you may have a stronger emotional attachment to your parent, making Read More
Shanon shares elements of her training and parenting journey. Connecting with herself, her husband and her children to become a gentle conscious and grounded parent. Biography I work with men who want to redefine masculinity and create it on their own terms. So that they can live, lust, and Read More
Changes are coming in 2023. I've had this podcast for 2 years and I've decided to make some changes moving forward to show up in a more authentic and true to my calling. I want to be real, honest and serve YOU mama in the best way I can. In Read More
Rachel Murphy, parent of 5 children and author of the book, I Am Not Your ATM, take about the importance of teaching your child about money. She shares some great tips on how to do this starting at a young age. Biography Rachel has worked with young people for Read More
I'm such a failure, I'm not meant for this, I can never do anything right, Nothing I do is good enough.....Ever said those phrases to yourself...or out loud? I have 😢 In this episode I share with you:-Finding the root of those negative phrases-Questioning if its true-Identifying the truth-Creating positive affirmations/statements Read More
Mother, Author and Illustrator of her multiple award-winning book, Peanut the Penguin, shares her views and great parenting tip. From bonding with your child, developing empathy, exposing children to experiences that enrich their lives, and so much more! Biography Aruna M. Lepore, who grew up in the Caribbean (Trinidad), never Read More
Enjoy this great conversation with Angel, founder of Seva Health and the Sea Institute as we discuss self-care, connecting with your child, and engaging your support system, Information I wish I had when my children were infants and toddlers. Biography Angel V. Shannon MS, CRNP is a personal development keynote Read More
I feel you. I just recently had one of those days. Everything was off. Sick kids, attitude and rudeness from older kids, I was worn out. I just needed to shift something. Today I share with you what I do when I have a rough day w/ kids to support myself. Read More
Are you a goal setter? If you have not listened to the reflection episode, start there. Its the one right before this one. I love to set goals. It's like I sit down and create a vision of this ideal version of myself :) I love to constantly grow and Read More
Spencer Bishins shares tips and demystifies Social Security by sharing information he has learned after more than 10 years of working with the agency. Biography Spencer Bishins has a master’s degree from the London School of Economics, and a law degree from Florida State University. Working for SSA for more Read More
Integrative Wellness & Life Transformation Coach, Integrative NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, and divorced father of 3, Jude Sandvall said that he did not do it right. As a result, he works passionaltely so that you don't make the same mistakes that he made. Biography Has your life been turned upside Read More
I don't know about you, but I love to sit down and reflect. New years eve is one of my favorite days of the year. I love to sit down by the Christmas tree and journal. I always start with reflecting before I set goals. I believe its super important Read More
Life Coach Andy Lidstone talks about what the lack of boundaries is costing us. Biography Andy became a Life Coach after having a few negative experiences with other life coaches and deciding I wanted to help the people they refused to help. I'm committed to helping people who've slipped Read More
You have your job -- the one with a paycheck. And then you have your caregiving responsibilities -- helping someone who means the world to you.Work can be rewarding in more ways than one. So can caregiving. But together, it’s a demanding combination. You may feel like you’ve got more Read More
You are doing all the things. You are so worn out and exhausted and it feels like all the housework is only on your shoulders. You resent your kids making the mess and your family sitting on the couch while you are running like chicken with your head cut off cleaning Read More
This episode is packed of so much valuable support! I had a chance to record a coaching session with a mama of 2. In this episode you get a feel of my coaching style and how I can support you. Int his episode you will learn:-Unlearning old destructive patters from childhood-Dealing Read More
If you get caught in a riptide, the best way to survive is to swim with it. Go in the direction it's carrying you. People drown when they try to overpower the tide instead of using its energy to go somewhere else. The same principle holds true for overcoming naysayers Read More
Dylan is a new father who mentors young men in his program, Prince to King. He shares great insights into the importance of positive male influences in the lives of young men. (Note: Please excuse the gap in the recording! We had a little technical glitch) About Dylan I Read More
Dr. Smalls-Mantey shares the science and research behind vaccinating your child against viruses. Biography Dr. Adjoa Smalls-Mantey, MD, DPhil, is a physician-scientist and writer. She conducted viral immunology research for many years and currently practices psychiatry in New York City. She is also a contributor to the ABC News Read More
We all procrastinate differently, and we have all put off something that we needed to do. But how many times have you put off the same task and in how many areas of your life do you procrastinate?So why is procrastination bad and how does procrastination affect our lives? If Read More