Leah came into Calm Christian Mom Program feeling like a failure. She experienced regular conflict with her oldest and felt triggered often by her kids. She felt that if her kids were in a good mood and just cooperated by doing what she said without resistance all the time- things would just be light.
As she learned in the program: The work God does is on YOU. He transforms your heart, mind and your actions so you can influence your children and show up as the mom you desire to be.
In this episode you will learn:
- What drove Leah to join the program
- When did she start to notice positive changes
- What was the hardest about the program
- The transformation she experienced as a mom
If you are ready to break generational anger, create peace in your home and become the mom you desire to be then BOOK A CALL and we can chat about how I can help you. Let God use you to create positive generational impact in your home.
Mentioned in the episode:
Listen to related episodes:
- 173: Breaking generation anger and becoming a mom that your kids feel safe around- Testimonial
- 219: From hopeless and stuck in anger to empowered and equipped- Testimonial
Next Steps:
1. Watch FREE TRAINING: 5 Steps to Break free from Mom Rage Shame
2. Learn about Calm Christian Mom Coaching Program
3. Book a Call if you are want support in overcoming damaging anger patterns.
How to 10x your Emotional Capacity Levels as a Mom
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Website: emotionallyhealthylegacy.com
Contact: [email protected]
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