Meet fellow caregiver (and now my friend!) SARAH CART! When she and her husband, Ben, became empty nesters, the two moved to the Florida Keys, but they returned every summer to the Pennsylvania Poconos, where each had lifelong family connections. Then came COVID-19. The pandemic, combined with Ben’s health issues, necessitated their sheltering in place in Florida for the entirety of 2020. In the wake of Ben’s undergoing miraculous lifesaving measures, they have been afforded the unanticipated gift of a future and, more than ever before, relish time spent with family and friends.
In our interview, Sarah shares shares honestly, openly and willingly about her experiences and triumphs as a caregiver and wife to her beloved husband.
We also talk about her new book, "On My Way Back to You."
We are doing a GIVEAWAY! Want to win a copy of Sarah's book?
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