Just like all other self-care, the foods you eat should help you feel GOOD, not GUILTY. Our guest today, Shelly Najjar is here to help us sort through all the nutrition information and misinformation out here so we can feel good not guilty about the foods we eat, even when we are busy with caregiving duties. Shelly is a Nutrition Mindset Coach, helping women with a lot going on to care for themselves while reaching their goals. Her specialty addresses the why and how we eat, blending mindset and practical tips to make nutrition and self-care easier. She draws on thousands of hours of training and experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor with a Master's degree in Public Health Nutrition. Shelly’s passionate about helping women realize it's possible for them to have a healthy, joyful relationship with food and peace with themselves and their bodies at any size. Learn how to be confident in your food choices, even in the chaos of caregiving.
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Intuitive Eating book by Resch & Tribole